
Cal is our lead character. His back story is that he was orphaned at a young age. He does not have any other family and was thusly put in the care of foster homes. Most treated him well, but he has been scarred by one home where he was attacked and abused. Even though it was a small part of his life, it has stayed with him always. His memories haunt him and have caused a break which makes him return to the home of the abusive foster parent to exact his revenge. During the murder, he is cool and calculating but is motivated by his powerful and driven resentment. This visit to the scene of the crime in the aftermath of murder allows Cal his final closure on the painful memories. As the homicide detective in charge of the scene he has the ability to cover his tracks, but he will have his closure whether he gets caught or not. Before this recent event, Cal has been wracked with insomnia, but this event marks the beginning of the end of his emotional trouble. He has been socially withdrawn, emotionally detached, and quiet. He is driven and meticulous at work. During the bulk of this story, Cal is feeling the start of relief as if analgesics were just starting to kick in against a serious headache. He is skilled in his job and is self confident and in control of the situation even if he feels untrusting of others. His psychology is calculating, patient, with a cruel streak and a sharp tongue. He has very few but close friends, never married, no children. This part of his life is now closed and he will never return to this house again. He begins a new part of his life where he can forget about this place.


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