Ryan Gardner Smith
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Ryan grew up mostly in New Mexico where he met T. Elias Eversole when they were 12 years old. They made their first attempt at a feature film together only a year later. After high school they moved to Denver, Colorado. Ryan is a graduate of the University of Colorado and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics with a minor in Film Studies. He has devoted as much free time as possible between work and school to exploring film ideas. He and Elias took the name Cypress Film Labs for their collaborative efforts. With Cypress Film Labs, Ryan has worked to make several short films, one of which, Das Schutzenfest, was an invited entry to the Muskegon Film Festival in Muskegon, Michigan. Ein Filmen Experimentalen is the first film to be actively marketed towards film festivals.


Finally trying to add pictures of my trip to Europe. Click here to see Cologne, Germany.


Some good ol' family pictures:

With my Jack-Daniels-swilling sister

With Elias and the sister, also pets


With my step-brother circa 1985, I'm the one grabbing my butt

A 30-year-old flailing fool

Some cool pictures from the Telluride and Denver International Film Festivals:

Projection staff of the Chuck Jones Cinema Telluride 2004

Projection staff of the Chuck Jones Cinema Telluride 2005

Projection staff of the Chuck Jones Cinema Telluride 2006

Projection staff of the Chuck Jones Cinema Telluride 2007

Projection staff of the Chuck Jones Cinema Telluride 2008


At the Denver festival with Soleil Moon Frye (also known as Punky Brewster)

The rough streets of Telluride

Sexy pictures of me:

(Click 'em all!)

It's my birthday!



Bondo breasts!

Child porn!




The Voyeur!


New Haircut!


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